Starting in October, the hunting season will begin in Massachusetts every day except Sundays. For everyone’s safety, our Sudbury farm will be closed on weekdays and Saturdays when hunting will be prevalent. Because of this, our open farm will be just on Sundays between 10am-2pm.
Randolph farm will be open every Thursdays between 10am -12pm and every Saturdays 10am-2pm.
We look forward to seeing you all on the farm!


Dear all,
We extend our heartfelt gratitude for joining our first Farm to Table event this past Saturday, 8/26. Your participation was instrumental in making this event a resounding success, with an impressive turnout of around 120 attendees.
Despite initial forecasts predicting thunderstorms, we were blessed with a day of radiant sunshine that perfectly complemented the wholesome atmosphere of the day. The combination of nourishing meal, enchanting musical performances, and the picturesque backdrop of the farm created an ambiance that warmed our hearts and souls.
We want to express our sincerest appreciation to each individual who took part in the event as participants as well as volunteers.
For those who were unable to join us this time, we look forward to having you at next year’s event.
In the meantime, please join us for Open Farms to enjoy the rest of the farming season.
Once again, we extend our wholehearted thanks for your unwavering interest in and support for PLANET Boston. Together, we are cultivating a sustainable, inclusive and diverse society.

With gratitude,


Gorgeous Weather

Amazing Food

Great Company

Happy Time

Vegetables in the Daily Life Farm in Randolph are growing well despite the bad weather!

Soil preparation, fence construction, weeding, tillage, raising seedlings, ridge making, planting, watering, harvesting, cleaning, weighing, packing, selling….Many children and adults are involved in this process. When I think about it, I am filled with gratitude.
And how many people have met, learned from each other, and the students have had new experiences in this place!

Join us for a late summer night at this beautiful farm.
Farm to Table 8/26/2023 6-8pm

@ Daily Life Farm in Randolph
Hope to see many of you.


First Farm-to-Table Event!

[Save the Date]
We are thrilled to announce our first Farm-to-Table event!
Date: August 26th
Time: 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Venue: Daily Life Farm, Boston Higashi School campus
800 N Main St, Randolph MA 02368
Capacity: 100 people
$50 per person (Free for children under 12)
The ticket includes dinner and live music for entertainment.
Ticket purchase information will be coming soon!


Thank you very much to all the friends who came Sudbury farm to the weeding work today.
In four hours, we were able to finish weeding, making ridges, and planting pumpkin seedlings. (Please take a look before and after photos!!)
It was very pleasant to work in the refreshing breeze!😌
Thanks again!

We will continue to open farm as follows.
・Randolph (800 N Main St, Randolph MA)
Thursdays 10am-12pm
Saturdays 10am-2pm
・Sudbury (101 North Rd, Sudbury MA)
Tuesdays 10am-12pm
Sunday from 10am-2pm
If you are interested, please contact or text 847-644-8564.





The Sudbury farm has started its 4th season this year!

Our volunteers worked together to set up a tent for shade, set up a rain barrel, cut grass in the parking area, tilling, planting potatoes and onions, and seeding the flowers…etc.  We will proceed with the installation of electric fences and weeding in the farm in May.

Sudbury farm (101 North Rd Sudbury MA) is open every Tuesday from 9:30am to 11:30am and every Sunday from 10am to 2pm.  If interested, please email or text 847-644-8564.

Please enjoy chatting the friends while listening to the chirping of birds, feeling breeze!




今シーズンが始まってから、日よけ用のテントの設営、rain barrelの設置、駐車場の草刈り、耕うん、ジャガイモやタマネギの植え付け、花の種まき…などをボランティアの皆さんで協力して行いました。今後5月中に、電気柵の設置や畑内の除草作業を進めます。

サドベリー ファーム (101 North Rd Sudbury MA) は、毎週火曜日の午前 9 時 30 分から午前 11 時 30 分までと、毎週日曜日の午前 10 時から午後 2 時までオープンファームをとなります。ご興味のある方は、 にメールをいただくか、847-644-8564 にテキストメッセージをしてください。



Reporting from Randolph

In May, various activities have started at Randolph farm (on campus of Boston Higashi School)!
A team of volunteers from “Teamsters Local25” helped set up the fence!  PLANET Boston volunteers and Boston Higashi School students are busy planting blueberry seedlings, strawberry seedlings, potatoes and onions, and so on.

During May, we have open farms in Randolph (800 N Main St Randolph MA) every Thursday from 9:30am to 11:30am and every Saturday from 10:00am to 2:00am.  If you are interested in participating, please email or text us at 847-644-8564.

Let’s enjoy the fresh air!




「Teamsters Local25」の有志の皆さんがフェンスの設置を手伝ってくださいました!また、プラネット・ボストンのボランティアさんとボストン東スクールのの生徒さんたちが、ブルーベリーの苗、イチゴの苗、ジャガイモ、タマネギなどの植え付けに、大忙しです。

5月中のランドルフ(800 N Main St Randolph MA)のオープンファームのスケジュールは、毎週木曜日午前9時30分から午前11時30分と毎週土曜日午前10時から午前2時までとなります。

ご興味のある方は、 までメールをいただくか、847-644-8564 までテキストメッセージをお送りください。



【Autism Acceptance Month】
On Saturday, 4/15/2023, PLANET Boston community kick-off event at the Arlington Fox Library was a great success!

At this event, we introduced the following content:

  • What is ASD? What challenges do adults with ASD face and why?
  • How we started, our mission and vision, what we do
  • Our impact for last 3 years
  • Moving forward: our future big picture, our logic model
  • 2023 focus: Obtained 501c3 in 2022, BHS-PB partnership, main farming activities, fundraising, farm to table event etc.

Participants commented that they were happy to learn about ASD and they made new connections.

Thank you to everyone who attended today and see you at the farm soon! Stay tuned as we will soon be announcing our activities (Starts May) !

Please send any comments to:


We have been setting up a garden fence at Higashi High School field little by little every weekend since October 29th, and today was our fourth working day.

Since the days are getting shorter and the temperature is dropping considerably, the work hours will be limited, but we are hoping to continue making progress without pushing too hard.

We now have a nice looking shed on the farm that serves as a barn/workshop/rest area. It’s not completed yet, but today after work we had a little party to celebrate our progress and hard work in the newly built shed.


